
Monday, July 19, 2004

Before San Diego 

Pete and Rebecca Woods have gone live with Velvet Tikki. It's the sort of website that sets the pulse to racing. Your eyes narrow, ready for anything. Little beads of sweat gather on your upper lip. You click, and things are never, ever the same.

I'm going to be in San Diego, as will every single other Mercury member except for Drew Johnson, who claims he has to be "best man" at his brother's "wedding." Sure, Drew. Sure.

I'll be sharing table space with Parker in the Mercury section of artists alley: EE03 or thereabouts, towards the left, three-quarters of a mile northeast of the entrance, in an unfinished part of the convention center without plumbing, electricity or reliable flooring. If you see coyotes, keep going. You're almost there. Look for something like this:

That's me, reaping the bounty of one great career choice after another.

Finally, thanks to Leland Purvis and his shaolin copier wisdom, I will have some copies of Family Reunion with me. The critical response, I'm glad to say, has been favorable: Steven Grant | Laura Gjovaag | Sean Collins | Marc Lombardi | Mike Sterling | Steve Pheley | Bill Sherman | Dedpool | Mediasharx | Comics Waiting Room.

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