
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rick Remender is positive; Dylan Meconis is unsure. 

"This is no lecture, no set of rules. They say we teach best what we most need to learn, and in my case this is proof positive. I feel the need to stop being judgmental and hypercritical. To set aside rivalry and competition and focus on the great stuff going on in comics right now. To be more supportive of people and focus more on what made me want to be in comics in the first place: fun and imaginative storytelling."
Rick Remender has an essay on positivity up at Newsarama.

"What do you think makes somebody a good illustrator, as opposed to a good comics artist (and vice versa)?"
Dylan Meconis, Vera Brosgol, Kris Dresen and others discuss fine art, illustration, comics art and more at Dylan's LJ.

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